How to Optimize Your Employee Onboarding Process for Better Retention

Written by:

Andre Chapman

Published on:

September 27, 2024

For every company, their employees are crucial investments in their future. And how they onboard these new hires can impact a lot. For instance, when the new employee is met with confusion, outdated paperwork and vagueness, fast forward three months and they’re gonna start to look for a new job. Yes, this can happen, when companies neglect their employee onboarding process.

To prevent that, and help you create an effective process, we’ve created this guide with best practices, templates and strategies for a better employee onboarding process flow. 

What is the Employee Onboarding Process?

The process of integrating new hires into an organization is an employee onboarding process, from pre-arrival activities to ongoing training during the first few weeks or months. The onboarding process helps new employees get to know with new roles, company culture and tools they need. 

Why onboarding is critical for retention: It is directly linked to better employee engagement and retention rates. According to research by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 69% of employees who experienced great onboarding, are more likely to stay with a company for three years. Also, organizations with strong onboarding processes improve new hire productivity by 70% and retention by 82%. 

Key Steps in a Successful Employee Onboarding Process

Step 1 – Pre-boarding

As soon as a candidate accepts the offer, the pre-boarding phase begins. This period sets the tone for the entire experience. To do it well:

  • send a welcome email with first-day information
  • share necessary paperwork (benefits enrollment, tax forms, etc.)
  • give access to relevant tools and software
  • share company manual, culture document and handbook

Tip: Use BambooHR or Workday to streamline the pre-boarding process. It will help you ensure that all necessary steps are completed before the first day of the new hire. 

Step 2 – Day One Orientation

Plan the first day well, because the first impression is critical for new hires.

  • warm welcome both from the team and leadership
  • do the office tour and workspace setup
  • small presentation about the company
  • introduce the team and do some icebreaker activities
  • after all, review responsibilities and expectations

Step 3 – Ongoing Training and Development

During the first several weeks or months, conduct continuous training to help them adjust to their new roles. This phase typically includes:

  • job-specific training
  • service/product knowledge workshops
  • systems and processes training
  • compliance and security training

Step 4 – Regular Check-ins and Feedback

Until the onboarding process continues, schedule regular check-ins to:

  • address concerns or questions
  • give constructive feedback on performance
  • get feedback on the onboarding process
  • adjust goals and expectations as needed

Best Practices for Optimizing the New Employee Onboarding Process 

Personalized Onboarding Plans

When the company Zappos implemented personalized onboarding, they saw a 14% increase in employee satisfaction. We recommend you also tailor the onboarding process to each employee’s needs and role:

  • create role-specific onboarding checklists
  • adjust the timeline based on position complexity
  • have personalized learning paths. 

Building an Onboarding Checklist

You will reduce errors by creating an onboarding checklist. Twitter, known for its comprehensive talent acquisition processes, used to have a 75-step onboarding checklist which has helped them to have a high-quality onboarding experience. L’Oréal also uses that comprehensive onboarding checklist. They usually include:

  • pre-boarding tasks (paperwork, system access)
  • first-day activities (welcome, introductions, setup)
  • first-week goals and meetings
  • 30-60-90 day objectives and milestones

Employee Onboarding Software and Tools

There are onboarding software that can reduce your admin time by up to 50% and also improve the new hire experience. For instance, when LinkedIn uses its own product called LinkedIn Learning and it creates customized learning paths for new hires. This onboarding program has resulted in a 95% satisfaction rate. We recommend these tools:

  • Bamboo HR
  • Gusto
  • Lessonly

Creating an Employee Onboarding Process Flow

Visualizing the Onboarding Process

To stay even more organized, you can create a flowchart of your onboarding process and you will:

  • have a clear visualization of the entire process
  • easily identify bottlenecks
  • improve communication among team members

Here is the free guide and tool by Canva for creating onboarding process flowcharts. 

Example Onboarding Process Template

You can use this basic template for an employee onboarding process flow:

  1. Pre-boarding
    • Send offer letter and welcome package
    • Start background check
    • Prepare workstation and access
  2. First Day
    • Welcome and introductions
    • Office tour and setup
    • Review company policies
  3. First Week
    • Role-specific training
    • Team integration activities
    • Set short-term goals
  4. First Month
    • Regular check-ins with the manager
    • Complete required training
    • Assign the first project
  5. 60-90 Days
    • Performance review
    • Get feedback on onboarding
    • Set long-term goals

The Impact of Effective Onboarding on Employee Retention

Boosting Employee Engagement Early

A well-executed onboarding process helps new hires feel connected from the beginning. Create a positive first impression and clearly communicate expectations to set the stage for a motivated employee, who perfectly understands their role. 

Reducing Turnover Rates

Research shows that strong onboarding improves new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70% (Brandon Hall Group). New hires integrate quickly, feel satisfied and reduce the likelihood of early departures. 

Improving Long-term Employee Performance

As mentioned earlier, employees who’ve passed a great onboarding process are 58% more likely to stay for three years (SHRM). A comprehensive onboarding process gives them the tools, knowledge and most importantly connections they need to succeed in their roles, resulting in better long-term outcomes for both the employee and the company. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Employee Onboarding Process 

Lack of Structured Onboarding

If you don’t have formal and structured processes, it will lead to confusion and disengagement. Have a clear plan, always. Otherwise, it will result in decreased productivity and an increased likelihood of early turnover. 

Overloading New Hires with Information

Do not overwhelm new employees. Pace the information delivery throughout the onboarding period. They may feel stressed because of information overload. Instead, spread out the information over time, allow them to absorb and apply what they’ve gradually learned. This way, they’ll better understand and implement their new knowledge. 

Inadequate Follow-up

Onboarding doesn’t end after week one. Keep supporting new hires for their first few months. Check-in regularly. Make them feel valued and give them opportunities to ask questions or seek clarification. This constant engagement solidifies their place in the organization and results in higher satisfaction and performance. 

Measuring the Success of Your Employee Onboarding Process 

Key Onboarding Metrics to Track

Monitor these KPIs:

  • Time-to-productivity
  • Employee satisfaction scores
  • Retention rates at 90 days, 6 months, and 1 year
  • Hiring manager satisfaction

Collecting Feedback from New Hires

Regularly get feedback to improve your process. Use:

  • surveys
  • one-on-one meetings
  • focus groups

Analyzing Data to Make Adjustments

Use the data and feedback to refine your process. Look for trends that show areas needing improvement or aspects that work well. For example, if survey scores drop after the first month, you might need to enhance your long-term support. If certain departments consistently have lower retention rates, you may need to tailor your onboarding approach for those teams.

FAQs about Employee Onboarding 

What is the 4-step onboarding process?

The 4-step onboarding process typically includes:

  • Pre-boarding
  • Orientation
  • Role-specific training
  • Ongoing support and evaluation

What is an onboarding checklist?

An onboarding checklist is a comprehensive list of tasks and activities to be completed during the onboarding process. It ensures consistency and thoroughness in integrating new hires into the organization.

An onboarding checklist is a list of tasks to be completed during the employee onboarding process. It typically includes: 

  • pre-boarding tasks 
  • first-day activities
  • first-week goals and meetings
  • 30-60-90 day objectives and milestones

What are the 4 pillars of effective onboarding?

The 4 pillars of effective onboarding are:

  • Compliance: Legal and policy-related rules and regulations
  • Clarification: Ensuring employees understand their roles and expectations
  • Culture: Providing a sense of organizational norms and values
  • Connection: Establishing interpersonal relationships and information networks

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