What to do When the Recruiter Does not Contact You

Written by:

Andre Chapman

Published on:

October 12, 2024

It’s very usual for people looking for a job to feel overwhelmed when recruiters don’t respond or don’t call at the scheduled time. There are many reasons why the delay can occur including dealing with many applicants, changes in hiring priorities, or other internal issues. 

Usually hiring managers take 1-2 weeks to respond to candidates, but 52% of the job applicants say they never hear back from them again. In such cases, the first tip to know what to do when recruiter does not contact you is to be patient and understanding. Recruiters may be reviewing hundreds of resumes so it takes them some time to respond back. At the same time, candidates should consider applying to other companies as well, and follow up after 10-14 days to be aware of the ongoing recruiting process.

How Long Should You Wait to Hear Back from a Recruiter?

When you’re looking for a job, this process can be very frustrating, especially when you have no response from recruiter. After an interview, you can typically expect to hear back from the hiring manager in about 1-2 weeks, but response times often are different. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average response time is 10 days. Still, depending on role prioritization, the decision-making process, and the volume of job applicants, feedback may be delayed further. 

If you haven’t heard back after two weeks, you can send a polite follow-up email to find out what’s going on. If it takes more than 3 weeks, you should move on to searching for other positions but also maintain contact with the hiring manager. If they keep being unresponsive, take it as a sign that the role is no longer open, or you haven’t been considered. 

Why Recruiters Might Not Respond

No response after final interview doesn’t necessarily mean you got rejected. Hiring managers may not respond due to different reasons, which aren’t related to you being rejected. Internal factors like budget constraints, changes in recruiting priorities, or delayed decision-making processes can prolong communication. Also, market conditions such as many applicants or unexpected changes in the job landscape can impact recruiters and make it harder for them to keep candidates updated. 

Hiring managers often multitask and may have other job seekers in different stages of the recruiting process. That’s why delayed communication doesn’t always mean rejection. There can be issues that you aren’t aware of or the company may still be reviewing other candidates. You should wait for approximately two weeks before following up, so you won’t seem too pushy. 

Best Practices for Following Up with Recruiters

When you decide to craft a follow-up email, always consider the timing. It’s really necessary to know how to follow up with recruiter after no response. The perfect period to send out such an email is 10-14 days after the interview or submission. If you still don’t receive the response, send a second polite follow-up email 7-10 days later. 

To sound professional in your follow-up email, start by expressing gratitude for the interview, mention the position. and show your enthusiasm for the role. Remain your tone professional, and ask the hiring manager if there is any additional information needed from you. Always avoid sounding impatient, but at the same time emphasize your interest in the position and company. End your email by thanking for consideration and keep the whole email short with a few paragraphs. This kind of email shows professionalism and keeps you visible to the recruiter. 

How to Stay Proactive in Your Job Search

Recruiting not responding after the interview doesn’t mean you should wait for them for a long time. When you’re waiting for a hiring manager’s answer, it’s necessary to also stay proactive in your job search. Apply for the roles that are suitable for you and expand your opportunities. To find the perfect match for you, try different job platforms, attend network events, and reach out to potential employers directly. Also, keep in touch with different recruiters so you have backup options and increase your visibility for various companies. 

This time can also be advantageous for you to improve your skills with different online courses, and then update your resume accordingly. Always follow up with recruiters who don’t respond back and stay in touch with them regularly. This will help you to stay visible to them while considering candidates for the role.

When to Move On: Understanding When No Response Means a Closed Door

After having an interview with a recruiter, a common question is – how long to hear back after final interview?! If you haven’t heard from a hiring manager within 2-3 weeks after following up, then it’s time to consider other opportunities. Delayed response, especially after following up, means that the recruiter isn’t interested or the position is already taken. You can find out this information by checking the job listing. If the vacancy is no longer posted, then it’s already closed. If the hiring manager was in touch with you in the beginning but suddenly stopped answering, it could mean they chose another applicant for the role. 

When you’re in search of a job, it’s important to stay hopeful, but you should always balance it with considering other opportunities as well. You can focus on different roles, build new connections, meet new people, and don’t waste too much time waiting for just one response. 

If you need an easier way to get matched with the perfect position for you, explore AI Talent Flow and find the most suitable role for you. 

Managing Emotions and Staying Professional

When you look for a job with different companies, it’s necessary to know what to do when recruiter doesn’t contact you back. It’s overwhelming when communication is delayed, but you should handle it appropriately. Keep focusing on what you can control or do better like updating your resume, improving your skills, or getting to know other professionals on LinkedIn. Always try to maintain a positive mindset and remember that a delayed response doesn’t always mean rejection. 

If you build your job search network, it will help the process a lot. Go to different events, attend online webinars, and connect with talents in your field. Find and engage with people who can support you emotionally or can open new opportunities for you. However, don’t become overwhelmed, take breaks to recharge, prevent burnout, and keep yourself motivated.

how long to hear back after final interview


How long should you wait for a recruiter to respond after an interview?

After an interview, the reasonable time to wait for a response from a recruiter is 1-2 weeks. According to the Society of Human Resource Management, the average response time is 10 days. But consider that because of some internal processes or many submitted applications, this timeframe could be extended. If you haven’t heard back from a hiring manager after two weeks, it would be better if you send a short and polite follow-up email. 

How to follow up with a recruiter after no response?

If you haven’t heard from the recruiter after 10-14 days, you should send a follow-up email. In this email, you should include thanks for the interview opportunity and highlight your interest in the position. What to do when a recruiter does not contact you is very important during a job search. Make sure to keep a professional tone and end the email by thanking the hiring manager for their time. If there’s no response after, consider moving on to another opportunity.

Is no response from a recruiter a sign of rejection?

No response from the recruiter isn’t always a sign of rejection. Delayed communication can have many different reasons including changing hiring priorities, budget constraints, or other internal processes. During this period, hiring managers might be considering and evaluating other candidates as well. Waiting for a response can be really frustrating, but don’t assume that the answer is no right away. Write follow-up emails to recruiters after two weeks and if there’s still no answer, start to find other interesting opportunities.

Why won’t my recruiter contact me?

There are many reasons why the recruiter may not contact you back. They could be managing many submitted applications which can slow down the response time. Internal changes and prolonged decision-making can also delay communication. Sometimes, they might also be considering other candidates. Don’t take extended response time as a rejection, but following after 1-2 weeks can clarify your status in the recruiting process. 

Is it normal for a recruiter to ignore you?

Yes, it’s usually common for recruiters to not respond, especially when they handle many applications at the same time. It doesn’t mean they ignored or rejected you. There are many internal processes that can delay the communication. It’s important to follow up with a professional email after 1-2 weeks to stay in touch. If you still don’t hear back after the second try, move on to different opportunities. 

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